2023 CIMPA School

Crossroads of geometry, representation theory and higher structures

Leandro Vendramin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) Computational algebra: groups, rings and combinatorics. We present the computer algebra system GAP and use it to solve some research-level problems in algebra and combinatorics. The topics to investigate are groups, certain finite rings and some combinatorial structures associated with the Yang-Baxter equation (with applications in knot theory). GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with emphasis on computational group theory. Lecture notes available here. This mini-course will be delivered together with Victoria Lebed.

Instalación de GAP

Recomendamos que todos los participantes tengan instalado SAGE o GAP antes de que empiece el curso. Para instalar SAGE, que viene con una distribución de GAP, consulte aquí. Para instalar GAP, hay instrucciones generales disponibles aquí. Si prefieres no instalar GAP, puedes encontrar una alternativa en línea aquí.

Material de lectura para el curso

  1. Computer algebra with GAP by K. Piterman. and L. Vendramin.